Prayers of the People: May 2024

Prayers of the People

May 5th, 2024


God, we thank you for the shifting of the seasons. For the new leaves unfurling, and the sunlight that lasts a little longer each evening, and the reminder these things bring us that death doesn't get the last word.

When we look at the world it can be easy to see only the brokenness, for there is plenty of it. Painful relationships, violent conflicts, ongoing patterns of lack and loss. We ask that you would bring peace and healing to all of these situations, giving hope to people who are suffering, and causing hearts that are hardened to soften and change.

Help us to take good care of your creation and the people in it, to keep dreaming of how the world could be.


Lord, it is easy to always be rushing onward to escape a place or season we'd rather not be in, or strive towards some future that seams smoother and brighter. Help us to slow down and truly see the people in places that are right in front of us, and help us discern how to love them well. Thank you for the many ways people are already doing this, both through official organizations, and in small daily actions such as sharing meals or opening their homes.

We pray for the folks in our congregation and neighborhoods who are tired, or discouraged, or facing things that are difficult or painful. Would you surround them with the people and resources they need.


God, we thank you for all the things you have given us. The skills and abilities, dreams and talents, time and resources, belongings and desires. May we be brave enough to hold them with open hands. May we be people who choose to live generously, being mindful of the impact our actions have on others, and choosing kindness over serving ourselves.

Help us remember that while this way of living can feel risky and difficult, we don't have to do it alone, for you promise to always be with us. Help us to be listening for your voice, and to step into what it calls us to, rest or risk or whatever we need.

- read by Brienna Rossiter
- written by Brienna Rossiter

“Prayers of the People” music by The Brilliance
© 2015 Brownie Hawkeye Music; Integrity's Praise!
Music; Evan Wickham Music; Remaining portion is unaffiliated
Performed by Halle Hanson
Once a month, we invite a member of our community to write and share prayers for the world, our community, and our lives during the service. In between, the body sings a refrain in spiritual agreement of the prayers. The goal is to hear from a diversity of voices in this space (in age, gender, culture, etc), and to spark creativity and encouragement in your own prayer life. Email Katherine if you’re interested in sharing your prayers with the community.